ISAC strive to be the first priority global seaweed community and first choice seaweed conference (ISS) among phycologists and industry.
ISAC and ISS are versatile and will both follow the trends within seaweed research, biotechnology, application etc. and business, and still comprise the basic disciplines of research and strong collaboration and interaction with traditional industry.
The Code of the International Seaweed Association highlights the major policies and procedures for its governance and activities. It is an annotated set of Bylaws.

The mission of the ISA is to promote applied phycology on a global basis, and to
stimulate interactions among researchers, industrialists and government
representatives in all relevant institutions, organizations and industries and
in all countries.
Within this mission, the objectives of the ISA are directed toward seaweeds.
Disciplines being served are the basic biology, ecology, physiology and chemistry of utilized or potentially utilizable algae, algal biotechnology, molecular biology, resource management, improved harvesting, cultivation, processing of algae, and utilization of algal products and their derivatives.
The core functions of the ISA are the membership community and to secure the continuation of the International Seaweed Symposia (ISS) held at regular intervals as specified herein and to publish the Proceedings of each ISS.
The ISAC should also communicate with the ISA membership by appropriate means and attract new participants to ISS/new members to the ISA.
The ISAC aims to attract students and other members from research and industry, to not only be part of, but also contribute to the ISA community, and to have ISS as their first priority of conferences. This should be done via appropriate means by e.g. via newsletters, platforms, social media, announcements of courses, and by generating and/or stimulating members to provide country infographics on seaweed utilization, mapping and profiling research institutions and companies etc. This internet platform and interaction will stimulate a vibrant member community.